He got situated in my tree stand and I set up my blind below the stand. Now all we had to do was wait for the deer. After about an hour a buck came walking along the fence line right to us. This buck was a nice ten pointer. Being only ten yards away from the buck, my brother prepared for the shot. The buck got a little spooked and started to take off but didn’t. Then my brother took the shot. Unfortunately, when the buck moved it caused my brother to have to shoot through some branches which through off his shot. The film I captured of the buck is below. My brother took the shot at the end of the tape.
He was pretty upset that he missed but I told him he will get another chance. The first time shooting a deer is the most difficult. Also, he is twelve so his shooting skills are not the best. He can do great at shooting a foam block but a deer is a totally different story. I think that after that shot his nerves will calm some and his next shot will be a kill and hopefully it will be the same buck.
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