This past weekend I went to the Indiana State Skeet Shoot held in St. Joe at the St. Joe Valley Conservation Club. On Friday they held the doubles event followed by 12 and 20 on Saturday and 28 and 410 on Sunday. The usual high scores were not the case for any of the gauges. There were few hundreds in the 12-410 and none in doubles. But that did not hurt the camaraderie of the event. My personal scores were not ones to brag about so I will not share them with you. However, I will share some of my experiences of what happened after shooting. The bad thing about shoots is that you will only spend about 6 hours actually shooting and then you will be sitting around for the rest of the three days.
Sitting around for 3 days might sound boring but if you have a good group of people it can be rather fun. Fortunately, my club always likes to have fun. Especially at the State Shoot we have built a reputation of always having movies at night after everything is all over. On Friday and Saturday after the shoot-offs and the dinner we always show movies on a projection screen outside at our campsite. This year it was so cold that we had to build a campfire near the projection screen so we could sit outside and watch the movie. It is always entertaining when a few of the other shooters get completely wasted. Now I don’t want people to get the wrong impression that we just get drunk and shoot stuff, everyone is always responsible and waits until after all the shooting is over to start drinking.
Watching movies and drinking is not all we do we also will also shoot trap and play trap games, and that is always fun because it is more shooting and everyone is giving each other a hard time when they miss. My fellow club members are also known for their dominance over the trap games. So all in all every shoot is always fun and exciting.
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