Before I jump into hunting stories, gear, and techniques, I would like to take time to tell you a little about myself. My hunting grounds are located in north central Indiana where I live. I live on a farm with mostly tillable ground, but there is also some woodland. There are many deer in my area and some are decent sized. This is me pictured above with my ten point buck that I shot last year with my Pearson bow. Along with deer I hunt squirrel, rabbit, duck, and geese. I use my Remington 870 Express 12 gauge shotgun for hunting every kind of animal. I have bagged countless squirrel and several rabbits. This is only my second year for duck and geese. Every animal takes different skills and gear to hunt; making hunting a somewhat expensive hobby. I believe that skills are a lot more important than gear. A hunter has to be able to find the best area that the game is located, be able to get into a good shooting position, and to know what the best angle to shoot is. I am not saying that good gear doesn’t help, because it definitely does. If I come across a hunting accessory that I think will improve my hunting success, then I buy it. I look forward to sharing my hunting knowledge on future blogs and would appreciate any kind of feedback. Also if you have any question about anything that is hunting related, I would be glad to answer them for you. I hope you enjoy your time spent on shootin shit.
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