If one of your friends has a very large piece of property, something like a farm, I highly recommend that you grab your gear and go paintball there. That’s what I did and it so freaking awesome. The friend I mentioned going to Fox Paintball with in a previous blog took me and my brothers to his farm in western Illinois to compete against his brother and three of his friends for a weekend of paintball fun.
We got up to the farm late, no time to play then but the next day was a completely different story. After a quick air fill we headed out to far recesses of the farm. After a long journey through a field, a creek, and what seemed like an endless forest we reached our destination, a large hill two stories high. The top of the hill was as large as a football field and it was riddled with trees and overgrowth. Our teams split up and went to their respective sides of the hill, and after a brief argument with the neighbors over property lines we were off.
We walked casually through the forest, my brothers went right and my friend and I went left. Shortly thereafter, shots rang out from the right and my little brother was a goner. Then out of nowhere the deputy showed up, he just came to confirm that land was indeed my friends and did I mention that farmer’s rock. They’re not all iffy about guns like people from the city, everyone I met up there was actually a paintball enthusiast. After he left we restarted the game without my little brother and boy did we get rocked. Let’s just say that starting out three on four is definitely not the ways to go.
We switched sides and started another game. We decided to get a little sneaky. We pulled back as far as we could on the hill and took up sniper positions on the ridge. We waited patiently as the other team crept forward. My brother had cleverly placed a sweatshirt hanging from a tree so when the other team drew nearer they opened fire on it and exposed their positions. I continued to wait until my friend, who was the farthest forward, opened fire. I quickly sprung up from my position and joined my team in annihilating the enemy, it was over quickly. We switched it up the second game and blitzed them right from the break. We caught them with their pants down and then just like that it was over. We dominated for the rest of the day, not stopping until we used up every last bit of air. The farm was like our own private field and we will be returning again to build it up and make it even better.
1 comment:
I used to play regularly at my brother-in-law's farm. It was amazing. We used the barn and silos and haystacks and hay chutes to hide and ambush. It's great to add the vertical game--forcing you be aware of everything around you as well as everything above and below you.
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