The next morning I went out just when you could see across the horizon. As I walked to my stand I spotted a doe walking along the fence line on the other side of the field. I am pretty sure it saw me too because it sped up to a jog and disappeared. I should have been out there thirty minutes earlier because that deer was heading straight for my stand. The only thing I saw the rest of the morning was a couple raccoon and about twenty squirrel. If I would have been squirrel hunting then I would have had more squirrels then I could carry.
That evening I went to a different woods and set up my self- climbing tree stand. That evening it was pretty windy. The wind was blowing into my face and carrying my scent away from where I expected the deer to come from. After waiting for about an hour I spotted six doe in the field to right of me about fifty yards out. Unfortunately, the deer were far enough behind me that they picked up my scent. Even though they never saw me, my scent was enough to spook them. After that I saw those six doe I didn’t see anything the rest of the evening.
I am seeing plenty of doe in my area but I am yet to see a buck. The good news is that when the rut (mating season) comes in the bucks will be where the does are. This means that I am sure to have bucks in my area later in the season. Hopefully the big buck I am looking for will still be out there later in the year.
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