My Dad purchased a new gun at an auction in August and this past weekend was the first time he shot it, luckily I was home to try it out too. His new purchase was none other than the infamous M1 Garand. This particular one was newer and had never been shot so it was in great condition. The M1 Garand shoots a 30-06 bullet and Dad purchased ammo cans from CMP which already had the clips loaded and ready to shoot.
So last Sunday my Dad, Brother and me loaded up the truck with guns and went out to local Conservation Club. Dad took his Garand and I took my rifle that I had wanting to shot since I left for college and my brother took the squirrel gun out. First we set up our targets one at 25 yards and one at 100 yards.
Dad threw the Garand down one the benchrest and loaded a clip in the gun. He first took a couple shots at the 25 yard target and when that 3 shot group just stretched out a hole in the bullseye he stepped up to the 100 yard. For the 100 yard I looked through the scope of my rifle while my brother looked through the spotting scope and called out our dad’s shots. We were all amazed when Dad shot a 1 inch 3 shot group from 100 yards with factory open iron sights.
After we all took our turns shooting the new gun we each got out separate guns. I took out my rifle and began shooting a bowling pin that someone left. It wasn’t that good though because it kept falling over. Once we had all had our fun we packed up and headed back to conserve ammo for another day.
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